Homeopathy for healing

Homeopathy can be used as a healing therapy when combined with homeopathic counselling to gain greater personal insight and move through stuck patterns towards personal growth.

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Natural approaches to ADHD

Cyena is a local Naturopath with a special interest in using natural therapeutics for mental health disorders including ADHD, ODD, Pyrroles Disorder, Anxiety and Depression. Cyena is passionate about helping parents with children with ADHD take a natural approach to treatment without toxic side effects.

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Dairy Free & Me: How can I get my calcium?

More and more people are turning to a non-dairy diet because consuming milk products gives them digestive issues. Did you know that by the time we reach the age of 4 years old, the amount of lactase enzyme we produce decreases by 20 times? The human digestive tract is not designed to digest dairy, and some people have less enzyme than others, not to mention allergies to milk proteins which can compound the problem!

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Going 'plant-based' and doing it right

More people are turning to plant based diets but a lot of people don't know how to do it 'well'. Getting your nutritional needs from vegetarian and vegan sources isn't hard, it just means you have to think differently about how you put your food together.

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Managing Asthma in children

Asthma is common in children. By necessity, it is medically managed by the use of corticosteroids such as prednisone and bronchodilators such as ventolin to help the child to breathe. During acute illness such as cold and flu, the child may need to take preventative doses of bronchodilators to assist congested airways. Naturopathically, asthma management can be further assisted by addressing these factors in the individual…

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The Pros and Cons of the 'Keto' Diet

Going 'Keto' (ketogenic diet) is kind of fashionable at the moment, and many people do 'feel better' or 'healthier' cutting out the carbs. Why?

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