Managing Asthma in children

Asthma is common in children. By necessity, it is medically managed by the use of corticosteroids such as prednisone and bronchodilators such as ventolin to help the child to breathe. During acute illness such as cold and flu, the child may need to take preventative doses of bronchodilators to assist congested airways. Naturopathically, asthma management can be further assisted by addressing these factors in the individual:
- strengthening immune function
- working with diet to reduce trigger foods and improve foundational nutrition
- reducing the inflammatory response

During acute episodes of cold and flu, we can utilise herbal, homeopathic and nutritional means to help reduce airway congestion and support the body in a quicker recovery. In between times, we work on improving the overall foundations for health and immune function. With gradual improvement in the child’s overall foundational health, that reliance on asthmatic medications can reduce over time.

Please note, I will always encourage the use of GP prescribed asthma medications and never seek to substitute naturopathic or homeopathic interventions for medications. I also ensure that no drug/herb or drug/nutrient interactions will be an issue with what I recommend as conjunctive treatment. I always support and recommend frequent monitoring by your child’s GP.

If you have a child with asthma and feel that their asthma management could be improved by taking a holistic approach, contact me at

Photo by Ratiu Bia on Unsplash