More people are turning to plant based diets but a lot of people don't know how to do it 'well'.
Getting your nutritional needs from vegetarian and vegan sources isn't hard, it just means you have to think differently about how you put your food together.
For example - the main 'hole' in your diet will be created by the absence of meat, which provides the bulk of protein for meat-eaters. Most people don't realize it, but the best sources of plant based protein have only about 20% protein (the rest is mostly carbohydrate). So it is smart to pair your legumes or tofu with a good serve of wholegrains that have a relatively higher % protein (than other carbs) to maximize the protein content of your meal.
There are other key micronutrients that need to be considered to avoid becoming deficient such as iron, B12 and EPA/DHA.
If you have started to eat less meat but not sure about what else you should be eating, talk to me about how you can get all your nutrients covered in a way that suits you and tastes good.
Being vegetarian I have plenty of tips and recipes to share with you!
Going plant based can be a very healthy way of eating if it's done right.
Photo by Nicholas Barbaros on Unsplash