Homeopathy for healing

Homeopathy can be used as a healing therapy when combined with homeopathic counselling to gain greater personal insight and move through stuck patterns towards personal growth.

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Keys to healthy skin

Having clear skin involves more than just having a regular cleansing and moisturising routine. If you have acne, skin blemishes, dry skin or breakouts around your menstrual period, there are other factors to consider. Healthy skin is an inside-out job! Read more..

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Natural medicine for Mental health

There are many ways that natural medicine can be used to support mental health.
Talk with local naturopath and online naturopath, Cyena about your best support strategy.

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Health coaching: live life at your best!

Taking care of your health now is key to quality of life later. Get personalised health coaching with Higher Vibration Health Care.

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Never fully recovered from COVID or Influenza?

Have you had a heavy cold or flu and still not recovered fully? This is called a post-viral syndrome and can occur because your body doesn’t have the resources to complete it’s job. Read the article for more insight into how you can support your body in a full recovery.

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Allergies and allergy testing: Beyond symptomatic relief

Effective treatment of allergies goes beyond using antihistamine drugs, which provide only symptomatic relief. If you want to finally be allergy-free, there’s a bit more work to be done.

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Your Vitamin D status and COVID19

Individual Vitamin D status has been identified as a key factor influencing symptom severity and mortality from contracting the COVID19 virus.

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Breaking the cycle of iron deficiency

Treating iron deficiency involves more than iron supplementation – we need to look at the causes of the depletion and manage those health areas; because living with low iron and then waiting for the crash in energy levels before getting a ‘top up’ - which eventually ends up where you began - is not a way to live!

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The gentle way to come off anti-depressants

Making the transition from being on anti-depressant and/or anti-anxiety medication to being drug free can be a scary concept. But with the support of complimentary medicine, you can make a gentle transition, minimize withdrawal effects and support your mood naturally.

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Dairy Free & Me: How can I get my calcium?

More and more people are turning to a non-dairy diet because consuming milk products gives them digestive issues. Did you know that by the time we reach the age of 4 years old, the amount of lactase enzyme we produce decreases by 20 times? The human digestive tract is not designed to digest dairy, and some people have less enzyme than others, not to mention allergies to milk proteins which can compound the problem!

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