Migraines; going beyond painkillers

Migraine headaches are a painful and debilitating condition. If you suffer from frequent or recurring migraine headaches, find out how a natural approach can help you.

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Conquering Sleep

Sleep deprivation is a debilitating problem affecting mood, energy levels and often associated with high levels of anxiety. Taking drugs for insomnia may be a short term fix, but addressing the root causes by looking at lifestyle habits, nutrition and mental health can provide long term solutions for getting your sleep back to normal.

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Post-natal depression (PND)

Postnatal depression (PND) is a common experience for many new mothers and often goes undiagnosed.
Read on to see if you identify with any of the common symptoms of PND. Discover how natural medicine can support you and bub in gentle and non-toxic ways.

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Natural medicine for Mental health

There are many ways that natural medicine can be used to support mental health.
Talk with local naturopath and online naturopath, Cyena about your best support strategy.

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Homeopathy for babies and children

Homeopathy is a gentle, non-toxic and easy to adminster to babies and children. Cyena is a registered homeopathic practitioner with over 14 years experience as a local Homeopath in Brisbane Northside.

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Wellbeing: your relationship with your Self

Wellbeing is more than health; it’s about having a healthy relationship with your Self in a truly holistic way.

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Allergies and allergy testing: Beyond symptomatic relief

Effective treatment of allergies goes beyond using antihistamine drugs, which provide only symptomatic relief. If you want to finally be allergy-free, there’s a bit more work to be done.

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Breaking the cycle of iron deficiency

Treating iron deficiency involves more than iron supplementation – we need to look at the causes of the depletion and manage those health areas; because living with low iron and then waiting for the crash in energy levels before getting a ‘top up’ - which eventually ends up where you began - is not a way to live!

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Dairy Free & Me: How can I get my calcium?

More and more people are turning to a non-dairy diet because consuming milk products gives them digestive issues. Did you know that by the time we reach the age of 4 years old, the amount of lactase enzyme we produce decreases by 20 times? The human digestive tract is not designed to digest dairy, and some people have less enzyme than others, not to mention allergies to milk proteins which can compound the problem!

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Taking care of your thyroid

When women come to me with thyroid test results, even if they have been put on medication already, I take a step back and ask a lot of questions. Why has this happened?

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