CFS is a condition I see all too commonly in women. The cause of chronic exhaustion can be due different factors for each person, but these are some common ones:
- never well since a virus (Cytomegalovirus, Epstein Barr, Glandular fever are big ones) or bacterial infection (e.g. Pneumonia)
- chronic iron depletion or anemia
- adrenal fatigue (too much stress, not enough rest, for years on end!)
- depression or anxiety (chronic)
- poor nutrient absorption (ie. gut issues!)
- thyroid imbalance
- family and relationship stress
- chronic pain
- nutrient depletion post-children (unaddressed for years!)
- hormone imbalance especially with a history of heavy bleeding
While the doctors have no answers for a person with chronic fatigue, naturopaths and homeopaths look at the individual holistically. The starting point is identifying the major events in your health history and your lifestyle that have contributed to a depleted state. For some people, it involves strengthening the immune system, for others, it's 'topping up the nutrient bucket', helping calm the nervous system and support adrenal function, or addressing the source of chronic pain and inflammation in the body.
I have had to take varying approaches with each woman I have helped with CFS, but all have had the same outcome; increased energy, increased zest for life, and the ability to start doing things that have been 'on the shelf' for a long time. And while the physical factors are being systematically addressed, its good to have someone on your team, helping you set personal goals on the road back to your healthy, vibrant, capable self!