Five reasons to do gut-repair work

Gut-health is being acknowledged as a key determinant of overall health.

Here are some situations to be aware of that can dramatically impact your gut-health in a negative way.

  1. You’ve recently had antibiotics.
    While antibiotics may be required to control certain infections, they can wipe out good bacteria at the same time. Replenishing your microbiome is a wise move to prevent you becoming susceptible to other infections and to ensure digestive health.

  2. You’ve had a tummy bug in the last three months.
    astroenteritis causes dysbiosis; where there is an unfavourable amount of pathological micro-organisms in relation to beneficial microflora. Rebuilding commensal bacteria (native bacteria that should be in the gut) , as well as repairing damage to the intestinal lining and providing fuel for good bacteria, is essential to future gut and immune health.

  3. You have allergies.

    Allergies are usually a sign that you have a compromised gut-mediated immune barrier. Providing your gut with resources to repair helps to prevent dietary triggers from causing inflammation in your body and reduces allergy expression.

  4. You have recently had surgery.
    urgical procedures inevitably involve drugs, including antibiotics, which can negatively effect the gut microbiome. The liver may also require some support post-surgery to assist in detoxification of chemical bi-products and restore normal digestive processes.

  5. You get discomfort or bloating after eating.
    Discomfort including acid reflux, heartburn, feeling uncomfortably full, excessive gas, urgency to go to the toilet, indigestion and bloating are all signs that your digestion needs some assistance. Poor digestion can lead to poor absorption of nutrients, so it's important to heed these signs and symptoms because it will impact your overall health.

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