When you're approaching menopause, changes in hormone levels can lead to unpredictable changes to your cycle length, your flow, and you may also be experiencing the following symptoms..
hot flushes
lowered sex drive
vaginal dryness
weight gain
blood sugar dysregulation
elevated cholesterol
changes to your skin tone
fluctuations in mood
disturbances to your sleep
If you want to embrace these changes and support your body in the most natural way on the road to menopause, join us for a FREE information session at Bardon Counselling & Natural Therapies Centre where you can get your questions answered.
Let’s talk about:
How to balance your hormones naturally;
Hormone testing; how close are you to menopause?
HRT vs Naturopathy for perimenopause;
Natural support for sleep, mood, libido, and hot flushes;
Weight gain + cardiovascular risk;
Slowing aging - bone and skin health;
Vaginal health;
Natural mood & energy support;
Optimal nutrition;
Your questions answered!
When: November 24th from 6-7pm
Where: Bardon Counselling & Natural Therapies Centre.
Facilitator: Cyena Caruana, Naturopath
Cost: FREE
Register for Permenopause & You