It's on again!
A space has been carved out for a beautiful afternoon of mother and daughter time, on the Saturday of the Mother’s Day weekend!
This is the perfect opportunity to dedicate some one-on-one quality time to your mother or daughter. Daughters can be as young as 11+. Adult daughters welcome. Elderly mums welcome also.
The program for the afternoon will involve nurturing and bonding activities you can share with your mother/daughter including:
– Guided face, neck and shoulder, or foot massage – with hot towels
– Messages from the heart – say what you love about each other by making a keepsake mother/daughter day card to treasure (helpers will be available)
– Henna body art; decorate each other as reminder of the nurturing time you’ve spent together
Our activities will close with a sharing circle.
A light supper and drinks will be provided at the end.
More details will emerge closer to the event; join the discussion on the Event page for sneak peeks!…
This is an opportunity for you to
– connect with your mother/daughter through simple acts of nurturing
– find inspiration for ways in which you can create more rich mother/daughter relation
– celebrate your relationship on the Mother’s day weekend together
– have a relaxing, light, joy filled experience with each other!
(1 ticket admits two people)
$55 Red Tent Australia members
$65 non-members
(1 ticket admits three people, e.g.. Mother & 2 daughters or Mother, daughter & Grandmother, Grandmother & 2 daughters)
$85 Red Tent Australia members
$100 non-members
Purchase tickets online (tickets will not be sold at the door due to materials required to be purchased prior to the event). If you prefer to do a direct debit funds transfer, email Cyena at
To provide time for each woman to participate fully in this sharing experience and to encourage connection, the numbers are limited. Please book early to avoid disappointment.
Refunds will not be issued.
Our event will be held at:
YogaSol studios
11 Marrawa Cres,
Ferny Hills. 4055
There is ample parking at YogaSol studios.
Meet your facilitator
Hi, I’m Cyena! I started participating in women’s sharing circles at 18yo when a university friend and I would gather to share poetry, meditate and share honestly with each other, always around a candle and with cups of tea. The circle slowly grew as we invited other women. Over the years, I have attended many other circles and gatherings. I love the sacred ritual of a women’s circle and the safe space to honestly, openly and deeply share with other women, even if you don’t know them. I’ve found that when women gather in sacred space, in the spirit of sisterhood, acknowledging the spiritual soul and strength within each other, it's a powerful and inspiring thing. Whether it’s a gathering of two or a gathering of 60, the intent always fulfils its purpose within a circle and I always leave feeling that my cup has been filled. I hope that you will join me in sacred space so that we can uplift each other.
Facilitator: Cyena
Mobile: 0418 792 827
Facebook Group:
About Red Tent Australia:
Red Tent is a non-profit community organisation seeking to connect women, providing a safe, supportive and non-judgemental space for women to gather, honour and inspire each other. Babes in arms are always welcome at Red Tent events. To become a member, visit the website:
Thumbnail image credit: Photo by Jonatas Domingos on Unsplash