Dairy Free & Me: How can I get my calcium?
More and more people are turning to a non-dairy diet because consuming milk products gives them digestive issues.
Did you know that by the time we reach the age of 4 years old, the amount of lactase enzyme we produce decreases by 20 times?
The human digestive tract is not designed to digest dairy, and some people have less enzyme than others, not to mention allergies to milk proteins which can compound the problem!
However, Calcium is a key ingredient in dairy based foods. The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommends 2-3 serves of dairy foods per day to fulfill average calcium requirements, with more needed for women over 50 years of age.
So, if I'm dairy free, where do I get my calcium from?
Dark green leafy vegetables and cruciferous vegetables are among your highest plant based sources of calcium. 1 cup of kale can provide 10% RDI, bokchoy 15% and collard greens as much as 27%!. Other calcium-rich vegetables include mustard greens, spinach and broccoli.. Be careful with spinach because high oxalate content can counteract absorption of calcium rom the spinach and other plant based foods you may be eating at the same time (you’re better off with kale, a low-oxalate leafy green).
Tofu and tempeh contain a reasonable amount of calcium (10-15% RDI per cup). Cooked legumes also contain good amounts of calcium (around 10% RDI per cup). For best effect, eat your legumes with leafy greens!
Almonds, almond butter, tahini chia, flaxseeds and edamame beans are tasty add-ons which can increase your daily calcium intake when eaten regularly.
Many plant based milks are fortified with calcium; check the label and find one which has at least 100mg added Calcium per 100ml, or 35-50% RDI.
Other fortified foods include cereals and orange juice; so check the labels.
Email me for a handy reference guide for non-dairy sources of Calcium so you can begin your meal planning!
Depending on what’s going on with your diet and your time of life, II can also recommend a suitable calcium supplement and tailor your dosage based on your age and dietary preferences.
Contact me if you would like to workshop your calcium intake and make sure that it’s where it needs to be to ensure your best health!
Photo by Sandi Benedicta on Unsplash