Walking pneumonia
'Walking pneumonia' is a lung infection which may not be serious enough to stop you from participating in everyday activities, but is persistent enough to warrant the question "Why am I still sick weeks after I got that cold?"
In most cases, Walking pneumonia is a secondary infection caused by opportunistic bacteria, mycoplasma pneumoniaeis.
Symptoms can look no different to a general cold and flu (headache, runny nose, ear ache, cough,) but may also involve fever.
In my clinical observation, walking pneumonia is an infection that occurs in the following situations:
If it takes too long for a viral infection to resolve, giving bacteria in the lungs a chance to take hold;
In people who have compromised lung function, such as asthmatics;
In lowered immunity, such as Long-Covid or repeated acute infections over the course of a year;
In cases where treatment for an acute infection has only been partially completed.
In acute upper respiratory tract infections, it's important to keep going with immune support until symptoms fully resolve. Otherwise, in a weakened state, opportunistic bacteria and other viruses may try to set up shop, continuing the 'sick cycle'.
When you have an acute cold/flu, I recommend taking vitamins and immune support supplements for a week after acute symptoms diminish, to help the body with the 'clean up' process.
If you have an unresolved cough, it’s a good idea to go to your GP and get tested; that way you know whether it’s a viral or bacterial infection and what your treatment options are. Mycoplasma pneumoniaeis is contagious, so it’s also important to stop the spread by taking hygiene precautions in your workplace and with friends and loved ones.
Even if you have taken a course of antibiotics, always follow up during the next month with
Immune-boosting nutrients, including probiotics
Herbal lung tonics to clear mucus, reduce inflammation and support open airways
Energy support to assist stamina and get you feeling better quicker!
Top up the body's resources, ensure full recovery and prevent getting sick again so soon!
Reach out for holistic support; cyena@highervibration.com.au.