Higher Vibration Health Care

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HRT vs Naturopathy for Menopause

Perimenopause and menopause is a time of hormonal fluctuation in women. Natural levels of oestradiol are declining leading to changes such as

  • hot flushes

  • irregularity with menstrual periods

  • insomnia

  • mood changes

  • weight gain

  • dry skin

  • vaginal dryness

  • changes to skin integrity

In order to combat these changes, many women entertain Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), in which the main therapy is supplementation with the hormone Oestradiol (a form of oestrogen) in order to kerb the symptoms associated with its decline. HRT can be associated with unwanted side effects and some health risks depending on your personal and family health history.

In contrast, the Naturopathic approach is multifaceted. Traditional herbs can be used to naturally lift oestrogen levels and lower FSH. Herbal medicine is also used to alleviate hot flushes, support healthy libido and calm the nervous system, reducing sleep disturbances.

In addition, the Naturopathic approach can assist with the metabolic disturbances faced by many women approaching menopause such as weight gain, cardiovascular issues (such as increases in cholesterol and hypertension), thyroid dysfunction and blood sugar dysregulation (pre-diabetes). Herbs and nutrients are used to support fat and glucose metabolism and improve organ function (liver, pancreas, thyroid, cardiovascular) to improve overall health and optimise both physical and mental wellbeing.

Disturbances to the vaginal microbiome can also be improved with Naturopathy using specific probiotic therapy, leading to reduction in UTIs, vaginal dryness, bacterial vaginosis and thrush infections often experienced during the ‘change of life’ period.

By utilising an holistic approach to tend to all of the areas of the body suffering from the changes, Naturopathy can support women in the many and varied presentations that occur through all the stages; perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause.

Naturopathy may also be used as complimentary medicine, alongside HRT.