Natural approaches to ADHD
Attention Deficity Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) seems to be an epidemic of our times; diagnosis is skyrocketing amongst children and awareness is growing in adults.
Conventional treatment for ADHD involves using central nervous system stimulants in order to increase the ability to focus and concentrate. To counteract these effects, sedatives are usually given to enable the person to sleep. Using medical drugs, the nervous system needs to be constantly manipulated in order to keep behaviour in control.
In the naturopathic view, the medical approach fails to address the underlying causes of the condition.
In ADHD, there is in many cases a system failure in the brain in which neurotransmitters required for downregulation of neuronal excitation are in deficit.
This can occur due to
- Diet
- Overstimulating agents (such as screen time, glutamates and other excitatory factors)
- Metabolic disorders
- Lifestyle factors
- Heavy metals
- Genetic issues
- Coexisting inflammation in the body
- Chronic stress
and many other factors!
By addressing the effects of contributing sources of neuronal agitation, and by resourcing the brain with the toolkit to not only calm down, but self-regulate, we can make real progress in cases of ADHD.
Often with medical treatments for ADHD over time, increasing dosage of drugs are needed to keep the behaviour at the same level of control. There are numerous side effects of these drugs, including growth inhibition, appetite suppression, digestive problems, nausea and others. It can be very difficult, especially in children, to manage the long term effects of treatment, especially in children.
Natural therapeutics are free of negative side effects and help to bring the brain and nervous system into a more harmonious state;
- Herbal remedies have a calming effect, improve mood and sleep;
- Key nutrients give the brain vital ingredients for neurotransmitter synthesis and reduce neuroinflammation;
- Key vitamins and minerals detoxify chemicals that are aggravating the nervous system via the circulation and supplement for metabolic disorders;
- Dietary supplements can assist with boosting nutrient deficiencies and restoring nervous system function for the long term gain.
Lifestyle coaching can give parents vital tools for managing the healing stage in ADHD.
To discover a natural approach to ADHD, contact
Image credit <a href="">Image by drobotdean</a> on Freepik