Wellbeing: your relationship with your Self
No matter what is going on in my external world, in my thoughts, and even in the sensations and demands of my physical body, I see myself as essentially a spiritual being who is whole right now, and this moment as containing everything I need.
I have come to realise that all attempts at gaining health through remedies, supplements and foods are secondary to this knowing.
Well-being stems centrally from a healthy relationship with your Self. Health is to do with the physical body, which is something impermanent and changeable.
You can improve your health by following the laws of nutrition, balancing your nervous system activity, replenishing depleted resources, and counteracting process leading to decline.. But wellbeing is an entirely different matter.
Wellbeing is about your relationship to what is going on in your body, your mind and in your world. Are you at peace with what is going on? Are you in control or is it controlling you? Are you resisting the need to change? Are you seeing the challenges as opportunities for personal growth?
Physical health for it's own sake is a superficial goal.
Wellbeing is of the mind, and it includes the body but is not limited by it.
I love to help you discover the bigger picture of what your health issue is really about and to support you on your spiritual journey as we look at everything in a truly holistic way.
Image by Yanalya via Freepik